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- SAFEMA Course
The course consists of eight (8) modules, facilitated internship and assessment.
- After the completion of a series of 4 modules (modules 1-4) and a period of facilitated internship and a test, a postgraduate certificate can be awarded.
- After 4 more modules (modules 5-8) and a period of facilitated internship and a test, a postgraduate diploma can be awarded.
Each SafeMa module consists of a one-week MOOC session, followed by lectures, skills training group work, assignments, tests and exams.
The SafeMa modules and learning outcomes
Advanced clinical skills in midwifery – Promoting normal labor
By the end of SafeMa Module 1, participants will be able to promote and manage normal labor, while integrating a midwifery approach that promotes normal labor and delivery as well as patient safety.
Advanced clinical skills in midwifery II – Fetal monitoring and patient safety
By the end of SafeMa Module 2, participants will be able to manage methods for fetal monitoring during normal and complicated pregnancy and birth, while integrating a midwifery approach that promotes patient safety.
Advanced clinical skills in midwifery III – Obstetric emergencies
By the end of SafeMa Module 3, participants will be able to manage the obstetric emergencies of shoulder dystocia and post-partum complications in relation to excessive bleeding, while integrating a midwifery approach that supports patient safety during complicated birth.
Post-partum health promotion within midwifery
By the end of SafeMa Module 4, participants will be able to manage health promotion in midwifery care in the field of maternity and breastfeeding, including care of women with complications relating to breastfeeding and bonding between mother child while integrating a holistic midwifery approach to supporting the family as a unit within a community setting.
Methods in health research
By the end of SafeMa Module 5, participants can manage using the UCN DOSIS tool while integrating increased research awareness and health related English language skills.
Clinical preceptorship
By the end of SafeMa Module 6, participants will be able to manage being an educator in a clinical setting integrating leadership skills and the ability to supportively interact with midwifery students and others.
Human rights
By the end of SafeMa Module 7, participants will be able to promote a human rights-based approach to midwifery practice, integrating core competencies of professional practice as well as ethical perspectives.
Evidence based midwifery
By the end of SafeMa Module 8, participants will be able to effectively perform evidence-based midwifery practice.
Vision and Values of the SafeMa course
1. Student´s own experiences and cases are integrated in learning settings
2. Lessons are organized with appropriate ”disturbances”
3. Lessons are organized as inquiries
4. Content of lessons is chosen by principle of examples
5. Lecturers and students cooperate on learning processes
6. Lecturers and students make space for dialogue and feedback
Illustration of the ground principles of teaching promoting Reflective practice-based learning